New Work

Discover my latest contemporary artworks, a captivating fusion of floral acrylic mixed-media art and cast paper marvels. I invite you to explore the boundless possibilities of mixed-media expression, where tradition meets modernity in a symphony of colors, textures, and forms. With my deft hand and a keen eye for detail, I combine the vibrancy of acrylic paints with the delicate intricacies of cast paper, creating artworks that transcend the ordinary and evoke a sense of awe.

In my floral acrylic mixed media art, I capture the ephemeral beauty of nature, translating the delicate petals and vibrant hues of flowers into dynamic compositions that pulsate with life. Each brushstroke is imbued with movement and vitality, inviting you to lose yourself in a garden of visual delights. Meanwhile, my cast paper art showcases the timeless elegance of this versatile medium, where every fold and crease tells a story of resilience and transformation. Through meticulous craftsmanship and a deep reverence for tradition, I breathe new life into age-old techniques, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in contemporary art.

Whether you're exploring the ethereal landscapes of my mixed media paintings or the tactile allure of handmade paper art, my creations are a testament to the power of artistic expression. With each new piece, I invite you to embark on a journey of discovery where beauty and meaning converge to celebrate the human spirit.